Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Motive Of Imposters Essays - Italian Films, British Films

The Motive of Imposters William Shakespeare accomplished abstract eternality through his article of the numerous characteristics of human instinct in his works. One such work, The Merchant of Venice, spins around the human quality of trickiness. Fakes and fakes have been industrious since forever, even right up 'til today. Proof of duplicity is surrounding us, regardless of whether it is in the items we buy or the business representatives' bogus grin as one discussions the acquisition of the fanciful product. We are overwhelmed by fakes, fakers, and con artists. Albeit frequently connected with a heart of perniciousness, imposture changes in its thought processes as much as it's specialists, showed in The Merchant of Venice by the determined characters of Shylock and Portia. We oftentimes observe the aim of eagerness and self-centeredness concealed by the words and face of uprightness. Such adventure is shown by the uncommonly closefisted Shylock, a disagreeable Jew who makes his living through the act of usury. At the point when gone up against about his unsympathetic exchange, he falls back on refering to sacred writing, accordingly contrasting his childish exchange and the activities of heavenly men (I, iii, 73-87). Antonio, an all around regarded and respectable trader, sees directly through the deception of the avocation and asks Shylock, Was this embedded to make intrigue great? Or then again is your gold and silver ewes and rams? (I, iii, 91-92). The reaction from Shylock to the inquiry uncovers a brief look at his actual significance. I can't tell; I make it breed as quick (I, iii, 93-94) is a preferably proud answer of his riches over a noble justification. To which Antonio can just go to his companion and state The villain can site Scripture fo r his motivation. A detestable soul creating sacred observer resembles a lowlife with a grinning cheek (I, iii, 95-97). Words alone are by all account not the only methods by which frauds work. An unmistakably progressively powerful mode is one that tricks the eye for it can't puncture through the surface. Portia, the new spouse of Antonio's companion, dresses as an attorney so as to trick the court. In any case, in contrast to Shylock's thought process, Portia's plan is unmistakably progressively respectable and benevolent. She controls the law in such a manner to spare Antonio from unavoidable passing by the hand of Shylock. Through the eyes of the law, the imposture of a legal advisor, particularly by a lady around then, was viewed as amazingly illegal. However, Portia considered pantomime to be the main methods by which to spare a man's life. The activity more than justified the reason. Irrefutably a thought process of fair moral qualities. The differentiation between the expectations of Shylock and Portia is clear. Despite the fact that Portia saved the life of a respectable man, she used trickery so as to do as such. By the by, one may contend that imposture of any structure is contemptibility and the intention behind it can't change that. The best way to save unadulterated truth would be with relentless honesty. - Stan Szubiak, 9/22/99

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Explore The Increasing Cost Of Providing Community Care Social Work Essay Essay Example

Investigate The Increasing Cost Of Providing Community Care Social Work Essay The expense of providing network consideration in the UK is expanding fundamentally. In this paper an exertion will be made to talk on the lifting expenses of providing network consideration especially focusing on more established individuals with insanity and those under private consideration in UK by using arranged research techniques including research informations and writing investigation. The boss point of convergence would be on factors which lead to increment monetary burden on cultural and health consideration administrations. Other than an intricate treatment on examination and survey of the present emotionally supportive network and its outcomes on the changes made are sorted by understanding the apportioning capacity of consideration executives to show signs of improvement of such burden. This would be trailed by an in-detail treatment on the significance of sense of self consideration and casual consideration and a few issues starting with them with increasingly point of convergence on the significance of casual consideration using an occasion review. We will compose a custom article test on Explore The Increasing Cost Of Providing Community Care Social Work Essay explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Explore The Increasing Cost Of Providing Community Care Social Work Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Explore The Increasing Cost Of Providing Community Care Social Work Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Prior to proceeding with more distant, permit us focus on the term network consideration and talk about its improvement in the UK. Network consideration was imagined in 1993 with the execution of network consideration changes. Be that as it may, blending to Bulmer, as referenced by Victor ( 1997 ) , the principal functionary utilization of the term network consideration was made in 1957 and identified with the field of mental unwellness. Bulmer other than puts frontward that during the late fiftiess, the since a long time ago run consideration administrations for intellectually wiped out patients in shared or institutional scenes drove the improvement of network consideration approach in this state. It was discovered that Community consideration was progressively useful and productive for long-stay consideration dissimilar to institutional scenes which were seen as being harsh, uneffective and profoundly costly. Titmus ( 1968:4 refered to by Victor, 1997:8 ) cited: What some expectation will one twenty-four hours be is out of nowhere thought by numerous individuals to be now what of the lodge garden trailor network consideration . Does it non raise up a feeling of warmth and human thoughtfulness, especially close to home and consoling, each piece adoring as the wild blossoms so bewitchingly portrayed by Lawrence in Lady Chatterley s Lover? Blending to the 1989 White Paper Caring for People, people group consideration was characterized as: providing the correct level of intervention and backing to empower individuals to achieve maximal independency and power over their lives. For this reason to go a world, the improvement of a wide extent of administrations gave in an arrangement of scenes is imperative. These administrations structure segment of range of consideration, runing from domiciliary help gave to individuals in their ain spots, fortified by the handiness of rest consideration and twenty-four hours consideration for those with progressively concentrated consideration requests, those shielded housing, bunch spots and motels where expanding degrees of consideration are accessible, to private consideration and nursing places and long-stay clinic consideration for those whom different signifiers of consideration are no longer bounty ( DoH, 1989 refered to by Means et Al, 2008:6 ) . Network consideration as clarified by Victor ( 1997 ) is given by both casual and formal providers. Ordering more remote, he includes that proper providers of network consideration establishes grouped legal authorities, willful each piece great as private area though casual providers comprises family unit and companions. Notwithstanding, there has been a significant worry over expanding cost of the conventional consideration and segment changes which will be talked about in thing in this exposition as I continue. The monetary heap of providing a conventional network consideration has prompted the conservation of legal authorities and as proposed by Victor ( 1997 ) has expanded highlight upon the capacity of casual division. Let us presently examine socioeconomics of since quite a while ago run consideration focusing more on private consideration and the consideration of more seasoned individuals with psychosis. As referenced by Laing ( 1993, refered to by Victor, 1997 ) , a one-year outgo for long stay consideration in UK in the days of old was ?10.2 billion a twelvemonth ?9.1 billion was represented more seasoned individuals. Outgo on private consideration stipulation was ?6.6 billion a twelvemonth and ?2.5 billion was spent on providing administrations in more seasoned people groups ain spot. Subsequently more seasoned individuals accounted more for private consideration than for administrations gave in their ain spots. Let us other than now look to focus on a mean for every capita outgo on the individual cultural administrations for more seasoned individuals in England. According to the data got from the NHS wellbeing and cultural consideration data Center ( 2006 ) , net current outgo on more establi shed individuals in 2003-2004 was ?8 billion which comprised around 44 % of the whole outgo ( 18.2 one million millions ) and only ?4.4 billion was spent on kids s and family unit administrations. Orchestrating to the kinds of stipulation for more seasoned individuals in England, outgo on private consideration stipulation was ?4,490 1000000s and that of twenty-four hours and domiciliary consideration stipulation was ?2,620 1000000s in 2004-2005 ( National insights, 2006 ) , while in 2006-07, the outgo raised to ?4,710 1000000s for private stipulation and ?2,620 1000000s for twenty-four hours and domiciliary consideration stipulation ( National measurements, 2008 ) . Consequently it is evident that mean per capita outgo augmentations extraordinarily with the age and is other than substantially more for private consideration administrations than twenty-four hours and domiciliary consideration administrations. One of the grounds can be dementia that makes a significant burden through t he costs put on since quite a while ago run systematized consideration like nursing places or private consideration places. According to the measurements acquired and distributed by Fernandez ( 2010 ) in the United Kingdom, 683,597 individuals experienced psychosis in 2005, which expanded to 821,884 out of 2006 and is proposed to hold expanded up to 940,110 by 2021 and 1,735,087 by 2051. In 2008 it was assessed that 37 % of all hysteria patients in the UK were in since quite a while ago run consideration foundations bing an overflow of ?9 billion for each twelvemonth in cultural consideration. In general, derangement was seen as ?23 billion in footings of health and cultural consideration, casual consideration and productiveness losingss in 2008 ( Fernandez, 2010 ) . Moreover, expanding populace has other than been one of the elements for loaning in such employment. Orchestrating to the Government Actuary s area ( 2007 ) the United Kingdom populace is anticipated to increment by 7.2 million by 2031 and by 2025, the figure of individuals in the UK matured more than 85 will hold expanded by 66% as referenced by Department of health ( 2007 ) in its article, An equation for care-Not an individual fixing. Such an expansion in the figure of more seasoned individuals is one of the of import factors for expanding cost of providing network consideration since it is them who are the central donees of health and cultural consideration benefits as they are bound to suffer from perilous contaminations, falls and furor and to stay in clinics. According to the measurements distributed by the Department of Health ( 2007 ) , individuals more than 65 mature ages represented 43 % of the NHS s whole financial plans in 2003-04 and at a similar clasp represented 65 % of intense clinic beds. In 2004-2005, they represented 58 % of cultural administrations spending plans and got 71 % of cultural consideration groups ( DoH, 2007 ) . Having distinguished the expanding figure of matured people in the state as one of the of import factors, permit us other than center around some different elements that may affect the expense of health and cultural consideration benefits in close in the future. Different variables we can see are less working age, expansion in pensionable age and expansion in more seasoned age. According to the measurements given by GAD ( 2007 ) , in 2004 there were 3.33 people of working age for each person of area pensionable age. This segment bolster proportion is relied upon to compound to about 2.40 around the twelvemonth 2040. The figure of individuals of region pensionable age is anticipated to increment by 9.3 percent from 11.1 million out of 2004 to 12.2 million of every 2010. Moreover, the populace will a little bit at a time go more seasoned with the standard ( normal ) age expected to lift from 39.5 mature ages in 2004 to 43.3 mature ages in 2031. Accordingly we see that interest for cons ideration is set to lift fundamentally as an outcome of the maturing populace. The expense for providing consideration administration has been and is probably going to proceed to lift quicker. Let us presently center around the present emotionally supportive network in England especially private consideration. Forder ( 2009 ) clarifies that England falls into the methods tried gathering which implies that parts to the framework are commanded orchestrating to capacity to pay, and subsequently low pay bunches are sponsored with open help through general income upgrade. He more remote includes that in England, pretty much all open dispensing on cultural consideration is made by means of nearby boards, with the greater part of the financess assigned from general income upgrade and some other than rose through committee income improvement. The total to be spent on cultural consideration is financial plan obliged. Along these lines if the interest is higher than the existent or proposed financial plan, committees need to raise the FAC ( Fair Access to Care ) qualification limits ( Forder, 2009 ) . Sing since quite a while ago run consideration, nursing atte

Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive MBA News Update on Stanford Interview Decisions

Blog Archive MBA News Update on Stanford Interview Decisions Stanford’s Admissions Director Derrick Bolton  created some transparency this week, releasing  a very brief update on  interview decisions. According to Bolton: Approximately 400 interview invitations have been extended to first-round candidates 150-200 more interview invitations should be extended in the coming weeks, before the notification deadline of 22 January 2009 On the notification date, 50-100 applicants may be invited to join the waitlist, without having the opportunity to interview,  though they may have the opportunity later on Share ThisTweet Blogroll News Stanford University (Stanford Graduate School of Business) Blog Archive MBA News Update on Stanford Interview Decisions Stanford GSB’s Dean of Admissions Derrick Bolton shed some welcome light on the status of R2 admissions yesterday, posting on his blog that about 2/3 of interview invitations have already been sent out.   He wrote: “we have invited 275 second-round candidates to interview. We will extend an additional 100-125 interview invitations to second-round candidates in the next couple of weeks.” In addition,  over the next couple of weeks, the GSB will reach out to some first-round candidates who were waitlisted without interviews and offer them interviews as well. Share ThisTweet Blogroll News

Monday, May 25, 2020

Highly Documented Comparisons and Measurements of...

The comparison of measurement and prediction of prestress losses in prestressed members is highly documented in literature. Hale et al. (2006) studied the prestress losses behavior of girders subjected to increased fiber stresses. They concluded that the previous AASHTO LRFD Specifications equations (2004) overestimated the prestress losses by roughly 50%. It was found that the NCHRP Report 496 (Tadros et al., 2003) equations predicted the losses to within an average of 6%. Currently, there have been quite a few investigations on empirical models for prestress losses for HSC. In a study conducted by Kowalsky et al. (2001) on several HPC bridge girders in North Carolina to determine the prestress losses of HPC girders. The researchers found shrinkage losses were a small component of the overall prestress losses and that the elastic shortening and creep losses were the main contributors. These larger than expected losses from elastic shortening and creep were because of a predicted m odulus of elasticity that was higher than actual. The total prestress losses ranged from 12.9% to 19.1% of the initial jacking stress. In an investigation conducted by Tadros et al. (2003), seven full-scale bridge girders were instrumented in Washington, Texas, Nebraska and New Hampshire to determine the prestress losses of HPC girders. The total prestress losses measured were found to be lower than the AASHTO LRFD (1998) model. Modiï ¬ ed expressions were proposed to AASHTO and later adopted inShow MoreRelatedProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words   |  860 PagesProject, could have been listed under several topics. Several of the cases and situations have seed questions provided to assist the reader in the analysis of the case. An instructor s manual is available from John Wiley Sons, Inc., to faculty members who adopt the book for classroom use. Almost all of the case studies are factual. In most circumstances, the cases and situations have been taken from the author s consulting practice. Some educators prefer not to use case studies dated back to theRead MoreCommunication Management Challenges in Construction Project Execution63139 Words   |  253 Pagesdifferent locations by different individuals and developers at the same time. Because of the relative ease of entry, at least at the lower end of the market, many new builders are attracted to the residential housing construction. Hence, this market is highly competitive, with potentially high risks as well as high rewards. Figure 1-2:   Residential Housing Construction (courtesy of Caterpillar, Inc.) Institutional and Commercial Building Construction Institutional and commercial building construction

Thursday, May 14, 2020

An Examination of Leadership Styles Essay - 1088 Words

Introduction Different leaders have different ways of handling their role as leader of a group, particularly in the workplace. Whatever style a particular manager chooses, however, it is expected that, as leader, that he makes the final decision. Even in a more participatory work environment, it is expected of him or her to cast the deciding vote when there is a tie. Indeed, the ability to communicate is essential to being an effective leader. For a true leader must be able to communicate effectively and decisively to all members of an organization. No member of an organization wants to feel like he/she is the last to know, and be forced to reorganize his/her life, especially on the job, at the last minute.†¦show more content†¦Because he got the reputation as a good employer who frequently communicated with his employees and valued their input--the whole group rallied around him and agreed to volunteer during those tough times. Different Leadership Styles With that in mind, leadership theory has identified four management styles--authoritarian, democratic, participatory, and laissez-faire. There is inherently nothing wrong with any of them; all have their place at any given time. But its the communication aspect that is important when implementing any given method of leadership that makes an organization rise or fall, and determines if respect is retained or lost within the group. Stated another way, the problem does not lie in the styles themselves, but rather in the presentation. Authoritarian The authoritarian approach involves giving directives. It entails the leader instructing the employee that he needs a specific person to form a certain task. This style leaves no room for bargaining, and any non-compliance or objection of this directive will be viewed by management as insubordination. As harsh as it indeed sounds, there is a place in management for this leadership style. According to, it works best when there are deadlines to be met, and time is short. The other instance that the authoritarian, or autocratic, style is appropriate is when an employee, or group of workers, is new, and training must take place. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Crime Of A Crime - 981 Words

A Crime To Be Poor? Many people are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet and making less money than ever before. Being poor has now become almost illegal in a country that punishes you for falling victim to poverty. Many are being discriminated for not having a place to call home. City ordinances are making it almost impossible for the homeless to have their needs met. According to Barbara Ehrenreich, author of Is It Now A Crime To Be Poor, If you re laying on a sidewalk, whether you re homeless or a millionaire, you re in violation of the ordinance (Ehrenreich). These city ordinances make it illegal to sit, sleep, lay down or loiter on a public sidewalk. Many states also forbid anyone to sleep under bridges. Being in debt can lead to creditors pressing charges that lead to steeper fines and punishments. Along with all of that, being poor can also lead to ridicules criminal charges that can lead to a downward spiral of fines or jail time. Barbra Ehrenreich grew up in a small town called Butte, Montana. At the time it was a thriving town. Her father worked in the mines and on the railroads. Her father eventually earned a degree at the Butte School of Mines. She moved allot as a child and found herself in the middle class category and attended school in Portland, Oregon and received her PhD in cellular biology. Later she changed her focus to writing. The woman s health movement got her attention and inspired her to became a journalist. SheShow MoreRelatedCrime : Crime And Crime1688 Words   |  7 Pagesdetermined that a crime is committed every second a day. Given the data by the FBI’s crime clock, a violent crime such include murder, robbery, rape and assaults occurs every 23.9 Seconds in the United State. Property crime including burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft every 3.4 seconds a day. 55% of Americans say crime is an extremely or very serious problem in the U.S. Another 38% view the U.S. crime problem as moderately serious, while one in 20 consider it not serious. Crime has increase inRead MoreCrime, Crime And Crime1551 Words   |  7 Pageslarge and dramatic drop in not only its victims of crime but also the amount of crimes that have been reported to the local police, even though this community already has extraordinary low crime states. The crime states in Lowville show a huge fall across all different levels of crime; this includes a 12.2 per cent drop of criminal damage offences and a 12.8 percent drop in drug offences. Moreover, they have also seen a fall in the statistics for crimes such as robbery, this has dropped by 7.5 per centRead MoreCrimes And Crimes Of The Crimes945 Words   |  4 Pages Crimes can be committed by everyone. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Psychokinesis Essay Example For Students

Psychokinesis Essay Psychokinesis (PK)Since the beginning of time occurrences of psychokinesis has been recorded. The term itself is taken from the two Greek words psyche (breath, life, or soul) and kinein(to move.) Psychokinesis is a technique of mind over matter such as moving objects, bending metal objects, or knowing the outcome of future events, all with ones mind. Such occurrences of PK have been found in the Bible and have also been recorded from people throughout the ages. One such incident is of D.D. Holmes, who lived during the 19th century, who was known to levitate. Another is Nina Kulagina, who could alter the course of objects in motion, leave impressions on photograph, and she was even seen affecting the heart of a frog. She changed the heart rate and also stopped the heart and started it again. There are also pictures of her levitating objects. Researchers have not proven some of these occurrences to be fraud and also have not found a direct cause of PK. Many researchers believe that psychokinesis falls in the category of quantum physics. Dennis Over bye believes that psychokinesis belongs in this category because, the world has less to do with reality than with our perception of that reality. It has been determined that psychokinesis occurs within necessary conditions and with patterns, but these patterns have not applied to all cir cumstances. J. B. Rhine, an American parapsychologist at Duke University conducted an experiment with a gambler who claimed that he could predict the outcome of the fall of the dice. His results concluded that PK doesnt seem to connect with any physical process of the brain, or to be subject to any of the mechanical laws of physics. To J. P. Rhine, pyschokinesis was a nonphysical force of the mind that cannot be explained by any laws of physics. Rhines experiments and research lead to other studies. One physicist, Helmut Schmidt found PK in animals as well as humans. Other types of psychokinesis have been researched and have been thought of with skepticism. One such activity is of poltergeists, such as flying objects, breaking of dishes, and unexplained sounds. These activities are normally associated with children or young adults. Although the evidence of truth to psychokinesis is insignificant at this point in time, it is believed that one day psychokinesis with be proven to be a reality. When you focus your mind on a physical device, some aspect of yourself becomes identical with some piece of matter, states Albert Einstein, implying the partial reality of psychokinesis. Works CitedPsychokinesis http://theskepticistdictionary.htmlPsychokinesis: Studies ; History. What is Pyschokinesis?