Friday, February 21, 2020

Existence of God Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Existence of God - Assignment Example This proposition, while it makes some sense, can be questioned in terms of its physical evidence. 2. One cannot put soil in a container and expect it to someday become a house in the future. If no one or nothing does something to it to form another thing, it will remain to be soil. This is what St. Aquinas tries to prove in his argument; that things cannot be without things and movers. For a thing to come into existence; there should be crude materials from which it should be made from. In addition, there should be a maker who has to work on the materials. From this perspective, St. Aquinas proves that God exists claiming that if nothing existed before, then nothing should exist now but since we and the things around us exist, there must be someone who made all things. Again the problem with logical explanations is the absence or lack of physical explanation. 3. The problem of evil as J. L. Mackie explains is rather a necessity than a problem. He goes on to cite Job in the bible as an example. Although he was a good man, Job suffered many evils which cannot be said to be the consequences of his actions. Instead, as Eliphaz points out, â€Å"man is born to trouble†. Mackie claims that evil was necessary for God to test Job’s faithfulness and goodness and therefore, decide on his eternal destination, heaven or hell. However, this could be difficult to explain the just nature or God as the bible claims because as it is understood, justice is having the sinner punished and the good man rewarded. 4. If a man evolves into a bat, he still would not know how it is like to be a bat. This is what Thomas Nagel believes who claims that none of us can ever know how it is to be like a bat. He says this because he believes that knowing is experiencing. Knowing is a process gained from experience and so the transformed bat mentioned earlier cannot really know how it is to be a bat. His experience from being a bat does not suffice to make him know because he lacks the

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

How successful has the ANC been in addressing the key legacys of Essay

How successful has the ANC been in addressing the key legacys of apartheid - Essay Example The fact however was that the blacks were handicapped from exercising influence or any form of authority to issues concerning them in their immediate environment. Inferior treatments were meted out to the blacks in terms of the public services that were made available to them (Department of Health, 2004). Apartheid may have been a director consequence of British colonialism that sought to regulate the movement, of blacks to white occupied territories. More than ten different laws encapsulated the apartheid era. There was a laws prohibiting mixed marriages between whites and non-whites, it was considered a criminal act for a white to have sexual relations with other races. Citizens were registered on the basis of their skin colour. The country was partitioned into different areas with different governing structures put on ground for these different areas. There were further laws checking black migration to the cities and from sharing the same public amenities. Other laws mere the banks Education Act that brought black schooling directly under government control and thereby ending the running of schools by the missionaries, the law preventing i llegal squatting, the suppression of communism etc. These and many more characterized apartheid or â€Å"Separatism† by South Africa. The ANC is an acronym that stands for African National Congress and the currently ruling political party in South Africa with social-Democratic inclinations. South African blacks readily accepted this party as theirs because it had as it major mission, the welfare and the rights of South African Blacks. Formally called the South African native National congress, the ANC was founded in 1912 with initial founding members like John Lube and sole plaatje. The composition of the ANC at foundation included Local Chiefs, Representatives of the people, churches & etc with the